Learn About the NMPRRP

When students and the adults who work in schools feel safe, welcome, and valued, they want to show up; they want to do their best; and they want to contribute to the school community. The Prevention, Response, and Resiliency Program (PRRP) is about doing just that.

By implementing a successful PRR program, we can improve the culture and climate of the school environment.

Goals of the NMPRRP

  • Reduce suspension and expulsion
  • Increase academic achievement and attendance
  • Improve overall school safety

Three Tiers of Restorative Justice Practices

Tier One
Tier one is about building community, strengthening relationships, and creating a culture where everyone is seen, heard, and valued. When individuals have the agency to shape their community, they are far more likely to treat it with respect, honor it, and protect it.

At tier one, teachers, administrators, and support staff use restorative justice practices to create classroom, school, and district expectations and agreements that are, simply, “a way of doing business.” Every adult at the school reinforces these values throughout the culture and climate of the learning environment.

Tier Two
Tier two is about implementing systems that offer more specialized supports to those who need it most. Here, discipline focuses on responsibility and conflict resolution with the aim to repair the harm the student caused by his actions.

This system of punishment reduces the school-to-prison pipeline and helps keep students out of the juvenile justice system while attending school.

Tier Three
Tier three is about teaching social emotional learning, collaboration, problem solving, and conflict resolution. (Couldn’t we all use help resolving conflicts and solving problems?)

Restorative Justice Practices at this level teach individuals in conflict to examine what role they played in the harm that took place; it requires the student to take responsibility and repair the harm. Students use skills such as mediation, communication, and listening to resolve a conflict.

These are not soft skills. These are life skills.